Hi, here is a little list of Google dorks to find what you need.
Smart people will create a bot using these codes, Whitehatters can use this for manual linking.
Wikis EDU Footprints
site:.edu inurl:wiki
site:.edu inurl:MediaWiki_talk
site:.edu "Log in / create account"
site:.edu wiki
EDU Blogs, GOV Blogs
Locate thousands of related blogs using these search strings.
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site:.gov inurl:wp-login.php +blog
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EDU Forums, Government Forums, Military sites
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Elgg Footprints
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Scuttle Footprints
"Store all your favourite links in one place, accessible from anywhere"
Bookmarking the web 2.0
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Store, share and tag your favourite links
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Referrer Footprints
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Jisko Footprints
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Do-Follow Blogs
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Blog Footprints
RSS Feed
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General Forum
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"your niche" forum
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phpBB 2
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“suggest * website”
Auto Approve
"*Keyword says:" +"October 12th, 2012"
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified)
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 10/12/2012
"October 12th, 2012" + "leave a reply" + "*%kw% says" + "Mail (will not be published) (required)" + "Website"
site:.edu "* %kw% says" "leave a reply"
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SEO-Board Footprints
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MiniBB Footprints
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IceBB Footprints
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Fruit Show Footprints
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Invision Power Board Footprints
“Powered by Invision Power Board”
“Powered by Invision Power Board(U) v1.3 Final”
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vBulletin Forum Footprints
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CommentLuv Blog Footprints
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Squidoo comments Footprints
site:squidoo.com "add to this list"
site:www.squidoo.com "Squidoo : Tags" KEYWORD
HubPages comments Footprints
site:HubPages.com KEYWORD "Hot Hubs"
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StatusNet Footprints
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"1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces. Required."
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Webmini Footprints
Hurricane Footprints
Powered by Katalog Stron Hurricane V
FreeGlobes Footprints
SEOKatalog Footprints
"Powered by SEOKatalog"
Ning Footprints
"social network platform"
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Insoshi Footprints
"powered by insoshi"
“Join Insoshi”
Link Building
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LifeType Footprints
"Powered by LifeType" inurl:?op=Register -Sorry -disabled -??? -neuer -disabilitato -suspendus -????????
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